"If Spirit whispers, listen. If Spirit calls, answer. If Spirit stands at the gates, Open wholeheartedly."
Tobias Tang

About Us

The 5 Elements Wisdom Academy was founded and created by Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Tobias Tang Ørnebjerg, in co-creation with 5 Element Yoga Therapist, Marcela Mota and Dr. Nienke Stoop.

The Academy was born out of a vision Tobias had 20 years ago, while spending time with shamans high up in the Andean Mountains. He had a deep realization that a shift in perception was needed on a planetary level. That the way we were conducting our lives and treating each other and Mother Earth was not sustainable.

From that moment on, a quest began to find the best remedies and to be part of the solution.

This Academy is our contribution.


Our Vision

Share knowledge and profound wisdom from Chinese Medicine, Indian Yogic Philosophy, Taoist Shamanism and Western Medical Science.

Through our various programs we offer theoretical and practical teachings on:

5 Elements of Nature, Yoga, Breathwork, Meditation, Taoist Face Reading, Taoist Medical Qi Gong, Classical Feng Shui, Shamanic Rituals/ Ceremonies and Cutting Edge Science.

We seek to create a safe environment where we can transform our limiting beliefs and conditionings and connect with our true nature. We believe that only from that space, real change can occur in our world.

We want to help you become the most authentic version of yourself and be in service in the best way possible.

Point of difference

Our training programs are uniquely structured, offering an unparalleled synthesis of teachings found nowhere else in the world. We seamlessly integrate the profound wisdom of Chinese Medicine’s Five Elements Theory into the practice of Yoga, complemented by the latest research in the scientific and medical fields, and combined with Taoist Face Reading, Five Elements Medical Qi Gong, and Classical Feng Shui.

This distinctive combination forms a cohesive framework that supports deep exploration of one’s true nature and the unlocking of innate abilities and gifts. Rooted in spirit, our various curriculums are designed to foster personal growth and empower individuals to share their authentic selves with the world.

Led by seasoned instructors with decades of teaching and clinical experience, our lectures and workshops uphold a rigorous academic standard while drawing from a rich holistic health background. Having collectively served over 20,000 clients, we are dedicated to providing unparalleled support for your journey.

In the words of our mentor and guide, Lilian Pearl Bridges, ‘I am here to help you discover your Ming – your Heavenly Mandate – your unique gift to the world.’

Our core values

Honor Nature
The Earth is our home. Our Body is our vehicle through life. By honoring our natural surroundings, seeing how we are rooted in the earth and dependent on nature for our survival, we celebrate our connection and manifestation within the physical realm.
Honor Spirit
Everything is Energy. Earth is spinning and speeding through space, taking us along on a journey through the universe. By honoring our spirit nature, the void that is neither empty nor full, we bow to the light that fuels us with life.
Honor All Living Beings
‘In Lakesh’ – you are another me. The old Inca Saying inspires us to see and honor the interconnectedness of all beings. The web of life, holding us in an infinite embrace, builds upon the interdependence of all beings.

The Crew

Tobias Tang Ørnebjerg

Chinese Medicine Practitioner, Acupuncturist, Master Face Reader and Therapeutic Body Worker with 20+ years of clinical practise in the field of ancient healing.

Marcela Mota

Yoga Teacher and Lead Trainer, Marcela is passionate about sharing her love for yoga as a tool of empowerment and self-knowledge. During her 15 years of practice, she has trained in 5 Elements Yoga Therapy, Yin Yoga, Pre & Post-Natal Yoga, Ashtanga and Rocket Vinyasa.

Dr. Nienke Stoop

Medical Doctor, Life Coach, Fertility Expert, Acupuncturist, Master Face Reader and Healer. Nienke is dedicated to bridging Western science and Eastern wisdom, facilitating the dawn of a new paradigm in Personal Health, Medicine and Healing.

If we can decipher the meaning of the Elements within us we get the tools to live in harmony with ourselves and the Nature that surrounds us. Discovering our True Nature is the greatest gift we can give to ourselves. May we all prosper and live happy, healthy lives.