How to invite more Joy into our lives using Yin Yoga ?

Which energy pathways and organs are related to the Fire Element?

Fire is the only Element that has two pairs of meridians associated with it, instead of just one like the other Elements. They are:

– Heart and Small Intestine
– Pericardium and Triple Heater

Why is the heart so important according to Chinese Medicine?

The Heart is the main organ of the Fire Element. Also known as ‘The Emperor’, it is responsible for circulating blood throughout the body and thus nourishing all of the internal organs. Chinese Medicine practitioners would say, “keep the Emperor happy and the rest will fall into place”.

The Heart holds the Spirit, which is called the Shen and represents the outward expression of the individual energy or glow and charisma of the person.

Which asana sequence is recommended to balance the Fire Element?

– Supported bridge
– Crushed wings in child’s pose with knees apart
– Laying on the side with bolster under ribs and arms above head (palms together)
– Reclining twist with arms up
– Final relaxation and meditation

Hold each pose for 3-5 minutes. Take a rebound (break) of 1-2 minutes between each pose. Rebound can be in child’s pose, savasana shape, or any other comfortable pose for you.

What is the Season and Emotion of Fire?

According to Chinese Medicine, Fire is the Element associated with summer – when the world is in full bloom! On a deep emotional level, the element of Fire can be understood as passion, love, and joy. It reaches out into the world through expressions of enthusiasm, expansiveness, and the drive for warm connection and interaction.

How can I tell someone has a strong Fire Element?

Fire-type people live in the moment and use both personal magnetism and their gift of expression to draw people close to them.

What are the main characteristics of this element when in balance and out of balance?

When in balance, Fire types are jovial, affectionate, and optimistic. On the other side of the scale, Fire types can be overly emotional, sad, anxious, and self-destructive; they can “burn out”. They are often volatile and restless by nature and tend to develop anxiety and heart problems. They also tend to develop addictions to excitement, alcohol, and coffee – all fiery.

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